Equality Objectives 2023-2024

  • To continue to extend pupils understanding of equality, diversity and fundamental British values through direct teaching across the curriculum
  • Diminish the difference between PP and non-PP pupils attendance by July 2024
  • To continue to promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond school

How have the objectives been chosen?

These objectives have been chosen as a result of analysis of audit trails (including learning walks, books scrutinies and talking with pupils), as well as the analysis of external data reports including ASP and IDSR.

What is going to be done to achieve each objective?

Objectives Actions Success Criteria

To continue to extend pupils understanding of equality, diversity and fundamental British values through direct teaching across the curriculum

  • Identify where in curriculum plans equality, diversity and fundamental British values can be taught
  • Ensure all protected characteristics and British values are evidenced in resources and displays, and no group is deliberately or accidently marginalised
  • Teaching of equality, diversity and FBV will be evaluated during observations of lessons
  • Current teaching of equality, diversity and FBV will be regularly monitored and audited

Children will demonstrate a strong knowledge and understanding of the fundamental British values, equality and diversity which will be evidenced in the following ways:

SMSC Books Diversity, equality and FBVs will be evidenced in displays around school and within the resources carefully selected/produced and used by staff

Diminish the difference between PP and non-PP pupils attendance by July 2024

  • AO, FSW and SLT to track PP pupils as a focus group
  • Ensure PP pupils?needs??are outlined on the provision map so that school can?be proactive in meeting pupils? needs?
  • Regular attendance contract meetings for targeted pupils
  • Termly prizes to promote attendance

The percentage of PP and non PP pupils attendance will be broadly in line with each other, and at least in line with PP children nationally.

To continue to promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond school?

  • Devise a programme of visits to include places of worship. Visitors to share different faiths and cultures.
  • Use collective worship as an opportunity to celebrate festivals of a range of cultures and countries.
  • Use events like Olympics, World Cups to explore other cultures.

Children will demonstrate a strong understanding of cultural development which will be evidenced in the following ways:

Pupil Interviews and questionnaires

How are we performing in relation to the three aims of the equality duty?

*Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

We consider we do well against this aim. Our Christian Ethos and Aims support this work as well as our approach to pastoral support and our curriculum which ensures pupils are educated about discrimination and victimisation in its various forms, at an age appropriate level.

*Advance equality of opportunity.

We encourage participation in sport for those with disability through inclusive sports activities and through engagement in residential visits and other activities.

*Foster good relations.

We have a Parents Forum, offer Meet the Teacher and family learning sessions, have an open door approach and also have a senior leader on the playground gate most days. Links with the local community are nurtured eg through the involvement of St Thomas' Church in developing the Christian ethos of the school or the group of volunteers from local businesses such as Knauf Insulation and local charities such as Children's Charity Merseyside.

St Mary & St Thomas Primary School, as part of our commitment and prioritisation of Equality for all, have an Equality Scheme and action plan, which can be downloaded via the school website.